Controlling consumers' expectations of LED lighting: why dimming is so important

Manufacturers of LED lighting products need to consider the control options for their products and understand the applications in which their products will be used, say Chris Salvestrini and Amanda Beebe. The US Census Bureau estimated that there are are 75 million owner-occupied homes (2007) and almost 5 million commercial buildings (2003) in the United States. Many of these buildings, both commercial and residential, already have dimmers installed. These existing dimmers Are controlling a multitude of light sources, from incandescent to fluorescent and now LEDs, which is why the capacity to dim must be designed into an LED product from the beginning. Consumers, professionals, teachers and occupants expect to have control of their lights, and LEDs must meet this expectation if LED lighting solutions are going to succeed
Why dim?
The story of why to dim your lights has been around for a long time, and many people know that lighting controls can improve personal comfort, increase occupant productivity, extend luminaire lifetime and save energy. However, with the introduction of new lighting technologies it seems That this story is often forgotten, at least until the market is full of disgruntled consumers and building occupants.
This article was published in the April 2009 issue of LEDs Magazine.
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You can also request a print copy of LEDs Magazine (available by paid subscription) and sign up for our free weekly email newsletter . About the Author Amanda Beebe is LED product manager and Chris Salvestrini is a senior design and development engineer with Lutron Electronics ( ). April 2009 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

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