Advanced ADAS applications require high-precision target detection

Due to the large number of sensing technologies, semiconductor capacity is increasing in automobiles. In a decade, the number of sensors has steadily increased across all sensor types. This trend is likely to continue as more features previously offered only in luxury vehicles or in the aftermarket are now becoming critical, and in some cases, the agency mandates these features.

The Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) solution is one of the fastest growing automotive industries; the field is expected to be in the five-year period (2015-2020), according to Strategy AnalyTIcs. Even designers of entry-level models expect the features of ADAS. As a result, automakers are trying to meet demand by implementing these features in an entry-level model.

The most popular ADAS applications include collision avoidance, lane departure detection, parking assist, and adaptive cruise control. Depending on the geographic region, some applications may be more desirable than others. For example, in densely populated areas, consumers are more likely to want collision warnings in their cars, while drivers in the mountains may feel the need for dynamic lighting.

In cities such as Shanghai, Moscow, Mumbai or Istanbul, drivers may need high-precision target detection. In such a crowded city, pedestrians, motorcycles and buses can appear at any given moment. In order to assist the driver, the car must be able to respond quickly based on accurate measurements of the distance between the car and the target.

Target detection applications typically require sophisticated circuitry such as op amps, which are used as basic building blocks for signal chains or analog front ends to control the rest of the circuitry in these driver auxiliary systems.

Precision equipment, such as the OPA2320-Q1 op amp, which has been used in many ADAS designs, provides low offset voltage and wide bandwidth to help eliminate system calibration. Because system calibration can involve complex algorithms or power-hungry DSPs in certain design configurations, designers can save on software cost and design time by using sophisticated analog integrated circuits (ICs).

Although low offset voltage is required to achieve overall system accuracy, the wide bandwidth of the op amp plays a crucial role in settling time. The op amp should be stable within 1⁄2 LSB of the data converter it drives to maintain adequate signal acquisition and integrity.

How does precision technology ensure car safety?

Figure 1: Settling time of the OPA2320-Q1 with ±2V input step when the gain is +1

If you are designing a car app, make sure you subscribe to the "Behind the Wheel" blog for more system-level advice and trend insights.

other information

Browse the TI Designs library for reference designs for ADAS applications.

Find the right precision op amp for your design.

Watch this video to learn an overview of op amp technology.

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